acicular / əˈsɪk yə lər /


acicular 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. shaped like a needle.
  2. Metallurgy. containing ferrite in a needlelike form. having a microstructure of needlelike components.

acicular 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Acicular, as-ik′ū-lar, adj. needle-shaped; slender and sharp-pointed.
  2. Spores of Bacidia fuscorubella to illustrate the several-celled, hyaline, acicular type.
  3. Not far from the shore, I noticed, in a little ravine, a group of eight acicular-leaved trees.
  4. Hyoscyamine crystallizes in the acicular form, with greater difficulty even than atropine, it also forms less compact crystals.
  5. The obelisk is from another of Nature's patterns; it is only a gigantic acicular crystal.