gorgon / ˈgɔr gən /


gorgon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Classical Mythology. any of three sister monsters commonly represented as having snakes for hair, wings, brazen claws, and eyes that turned anyone looking into them to stone. Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon, was beheaded by Perseus.
  2. a mean, ugly, or repulsive woman.

gorgon 近义词


等同于 hag


  1. In Greek mythology, the Gorgon Medusa had the face of a woman and poisonous snakes for hair; her glance could turn men to stone.
  2. Military drones, with ominous code names like Gorgon Stare and Constant Hawk, can monitor movement across an entire urban area.
  3. Unfortunately the journal says very little of the Gorgon's voyage home.
  4. But the messenger of the gods bade him have no fear, for he himself had come to help in the perilous quest for the Gorgon's head.
  5. Catching up the cloak in which he had wrapped the Gorgon's head, he cried: "Whoever is my friend, let him turn away his eyes."
  6. In Gruenwald's eyes, the only difference between me and Medusa the Gorgon was that looking at me did not turn him to stone.
  7. She has no beauty; and as for Gorgon, the creature has a look of timid softness in waiting behind her rocky eyes.