gizzard / ˈgɪz ərd /


gizzard 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Also called ventriculus. a thick-walled, muscular pouch in the lower stomach of many birds and reptiles that grinds food, often with the aid of ingested stones or grit.
  2. Also called gastric mill. a similar structure in the foregut of arthropods and several other invertebrates, often lined with chitin and small teeth.
  3. the innards or viscera collectively, especially the intestine and stomach.

gizzard 近义词


等同于 variety meat


  1. In 1996, while he was still a juvenile, several metal objects showed up in his gizzard during an X-ray.
  2. The big event is the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Race, which is actually two foot races, a 5K followed by a 10k.
  3. In his heart he longed for a bed that night, and a cup of hot coffee to gladden his gizzard.
  4. In smaller streams such as the Elk and Caney rivers adult gizzard shad seemed scarce.
  5. Its chief use seems to be to soften the food before it is admitted into the gizzard.
  6. The gizzard has been cut open from one side and the inside bag which contains gravel and straw taken out.
  7. Of course the gizzard, liver and heart are all right as they are now prepared.