fungus / ˈfʌŋ gəs /


fungus2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fun·gi [fuhn-jahy, fuhng-gahy], /ˈfʌn dʒaɪ, ˈfʌŋ gaɪ/, fun·gus·es.

  1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single-celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic material in which they grow, comprising the mushrooms, molds, mildews, smuts, rusts, and yeasts, and classified in the kingdom Fungi or, in some classification systems, in the division Fungi of the kingdom Plantae.
  2. Pathology. a spongy, abnormal growth, as granulation tissue formed in a wound.
adj. 形容词 adjective

fungus 近义词


等同于 slime

fungus 的近义词 9

等同于 blight


等同于 yeast

fungus 的近义词 2

等同于 yeast

fungus 的近义词 5

等同于 growth


  1. They say never to use honey, which contains spores that can cause fungus to grow on a hummingbird’s tongue.
  2. The company infuses their mattress material with copper, which fights bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mold while also keeping you cooler as you sleep.
  3. In itself, that wasn’t unprecedented, because horizontal transfers of genes are not uncommon in bacteria and even in animals, fungi and plants.
  4. Unlike other pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, viruses have none of the machinery needed to make more copies of themselves, so they cannot reproduce on their own.
  5. Often, it’s from people surprised to find themselves seeking help from a mysterious fungus at all.
  6. Briefly, blister rust is an Asian fungus introduced from Europe to America around 1900.
  7. Or how leaf-cutter ants cultivate a specific type of fungus so precious it is carried by the queen when she starts a new colony.
  8. Salt Point is also the setting of a cautionary tale about foraging that has spread like a fungus among the mycological community.
  9. Whatever its name, the fungus-caused illness—which can be fatal—is being called a silent epidemic.
  10. Chronicling the fungus foragers who count posh New York restaurants as their clients.
  11. Favus, tinea versicolor, and the various forms of ring-worm are caused by members of the fungus group.
  12. Tinea Favosa, or favus, is a contagious and a very stubborn disease of the skin, caused by the fungus Achorion Schoenleinii.
  13. The fungus spores will survive the winter, and be ready for work in spring.
  14. They rubbed disinfectant salves into their fungus-ridden hides.
  15. Hence they may be killed by means of applications of some fungus-killing fluid, as Bordeaux mixture.