frizzed / frɪz /


frizzed 的定义

frizzed 近义词


等同于 curly


等同于 pan-fry

frizzed 的近义词 8

等同于 crimp


等同于 curl


  1. You don't mean to say you want to friz my hair up the way yours is!
  2. I like my hair straight—I haven't the least desire to friz it out or curl it.
  3. Her hair had a wire friz on it, and her dress had Joseph's coat in Scriptur' lookin' like a mournin' rig.
  4. Pooty soon Bill said to hisself, 'Goy-blamed ef I don't think he's friz to death, or else he'd say somethin'!'
  5. I am writing at sunrise in a little tent, and in spite of two coats and waistcoats, I am nearly "friz."