frizzy / ˈfrɪz i /


frizzy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

friz·zi·er, friz·zi·est.

  1. formed into small, tight curls, as hair; frizzed.

frizzy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


frizzy 的近义词 3


  1. I now know that I love to swim, that I can overcome my longtime fear of cold water, and that I actually do not care about getting my hair wet, no matter how frizzy it gets when it dries.
  2. I worried about getting salt water in my eyes and mouth or even drowning, and I hated getting my hair wet, since it would dry all wild and frizzy.
  3. Best to keep an eye on this troubled creature, with her frizzy, undone hair and her tired, pink-rimmed rabbity eyes.
  4. As he lost four match points before winning his five-set quarterfinal, he “looked as if he would pull his frizzy, reddish hair out of both headband and scalp,” Barry Lorge wrote in The Washington Post.
  5. The addition of sweet-spicy shredded mango at the table turns the frizzy appetizer, garnished with cashews, into something soft and extraordinary.
  6. (10) Frizzy Hair Is Not Her Friend: "I have super-supercurly hair, and it's a constant struggle," Davis tells Vogue.
  7. His make-under rendering includes frizzy hair, blemishes, under-eye bags, and braces.
  8. Although he is a dwarf, Thorin seemed to avoid the frizzy beards and extra nose appendages required of others in the company.
  9. Not only was I poor—I was a frizzy-haired Puerto Rican-Jewish girl from a commune in the deep South.
  10. I had buck teeth, frizzy crazy hair, and a style that was bohemian at best, thrift store at worst.
  11. Their hair, which does not grow beyond a finger's length, is jet black and frizzy.
  12. Their hair is black, rough, but less frizzy than that of the Mulattos.
  13. And very straight she sat, with defiant, frizzy head and narrow lips, when she heard the front door open and close.
  14. Her fair, soft hair was now fluffy, and stood up in an infinity of frizzy curls from the broad white forehead.
  15. The pale-blue bow on the top of Mrs. Stubbs's fair frizzy hair quivered.