coil / kɔɪl /


coil3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to wind into continuous, regularly spaced rings one above the other: to coil a wire around a pencil.
  2. to wind on a flat surface into rings one around the other: He coiled the rope on the deck.
  3. to gather into loops: She coiled the garden hose and hung it on the hook.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to form rings, spirals, etc.; gather or retract in a circular way: The snake coiled, ready to strike.
  2. to move in or follow a winding course: The river coiled through the valley.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a connected series of spirals or rings into which a rope or the like is wound.
  2. a single such ring.
  3. an arrangement of pipes, coiled or in a series, as in a radiator.

coil 近义词

n. 名词 noun

thread that curls

v. 动词 verb

curl around, entwine


  1. A wireless signal can be sent that creates a current in a coil surrounding the pin, affecting its magnetic field and dropping the gadget.
  2. This mattress gets high marks for its double-height construction and the 40 internal air chambers in the top of the mattress that simulate the individual coils of a traditional mattress.
  3. Internal air chambers simulate traditional coils, and a double-lock valve helps keep air from escaping, and the convenient two-pack makes for an economic option when outfitting a family.
  4. Each notebook is bound with a spiral lock coil binding that helps prevent the coils from catching on other things in your backpack.
  5. That change in the magnetic field around the coil generates an electric current that also can be used to power the device.
  6. ABC had effectively removed the launching coil on its Modern Family springboard.
  7. Dabbing wax on the coil or using hash oil on the wick also works.
  8. With time I learned to disassemble the entire hotpot and mount the heating coil on a roast beef can with a whole punched in it.
  9. On the other far end of the spectrum, admittedly, is the idea that our first president might have unsprung the mortal coil.
  10. The people of his auto-erotic novel Crash coil sex, death, and the motor car, a megadose of pleasure brew.
  11. Over this spot he twisted all the remaining hair into a coil about four inches long, pointing slightly forward like a horn.
  12. No matter what Jessie did to the tuning coil she could not bring that strangely broadcasted message back to their ears.
  13. Amy adjusted the earphones while her friend manipulated the slides on the tuning coil.
  14. She adjusted it, sticking the hat pin through the heavy coil of hair with some deliberation.
  15. “No visitors allowed aboard,” replied Mr Welton sternly; catching up, nevertheless, a coil of rope.