frazzle / ˈfræz əl /


frazzle2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

fraz·zled, fraz·zling.

  1. to wear to threads or shreds; fray.
  2. to weary; tire out: Those six eight-year-olds frazzled me.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the state of being frazzled or worn-out.
  2. a remnant; shred.

frazzle 近义词

n. 名词 noun

exhaustion; something very worn

v. 动词 verb

wear out


  1. He was streaked with ashes and soot and sweat, and so was his horse, and they both looked worn to a frazzle.
  2. All he's got to do is to start out empty-handed and lick the world to a frazzle.
  3. Neither can lick the other to a frazzle and neither can afford to give up till it is completely licked.
  4. So back to the hotel went Billy to enter upon a period of waiting that frayed his nerves to an utter frazzle.
  5. If you face the supernatural, it is more than half beaten to a frazzle, before the fight begins.