etymology / ˌɛt əˈmɒl ə dʒi /


etymology 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural et·y·mol·o·gies.

  1. the derivation of a word.
  2. a chronological account of the birth and development of a particular word or element of a word, often delineating its spread from one language to another and its evolving changes in form and meaning.
  3. the study of historical linguistic change, especially as manifested in individual words.

etymology 近义词

n. 名词 noun

word history


  1. I moved to Washington in 1988 with the folk etymology of lobbyist firmly in mind.
  2. The Daily Beast reached out to Eschliman to ask about the definition and etymology of the term "Gaystapo."
  3. Its origins and etymology are veiled in mystery: cha is Chinese for “tea,” but debates rage over those first two syllables.
  4. Since etymology is epicentral to politics, the new titles that the Republican and Democratic parties choose must be right.
  5. He understands this to mean "sheltered, secure from wind;" and he asks to what etymology this sense can be attributed.
  6. I would have made the Saracens descend from Sarah; the etymology would then have been neater.
  7. No amount of brainwork has conjured any sense from Iffley, and the etymology has been placed on the shelf as “unknown”.
  8. In a moment of noteworthy frankness Prof. Skeat has admitted that “Scientific etymology is usually clumsy and frequently wrong”.
  9. The official etymology of June is “probably from root of Latin juvenis, junior,” but where is the sense in this?