endorser / ɛnˈdɔrs /


endorser2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

en·dorsed, en·dors·ing.Also indorse .

  1. to approve, support, or sustain: to endorse a political candidate.
  2. to designate oneself as payee of by signing, usually on the reverse side of the instrument.
  3. to sign one's name on.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Heraldry. a narrow pale, about one quarter the usual width and usually repeated several times.

endorser 近义词


等同于 notary


等同于 promoter

endorser 的近义词 9
endorser 的反义词 1

等同于 backer


等同于 support/supporter


等同于 signer

endorser 的近义词 4

等同于 subscriber

endorser 的近义词 4

等同于 undersigned

endorser 的近义词 4

等同于 champion

endorser 的近义词 4


  1. I think he's still the most powerful single endorser in the country, probably.
  2. Weber was an early endorser of fellow Minnesotan Tim Pawlenty in the 2012 GOP presidential primaries.
  3. Hayworth has Rush Limbaugh—not as an endorser of his candidacy, at least not yet, but as a longtime McCain detractor.
  4. Another company susceptible to changing public opinions about a celebrity endorser is Gatorade.
  5. Behind the scenes, Schwarzenegger was an unenthusiastic endorser of Bush in 2004.
  6. He could borrow from the banks, with a good endorser, but what endorser was there good enough but John Folsom?
  7. The company had used my name as endorser to a large amount, many times larger than I had any idea of.
  8. At this time the last-named house held about two and a half millions of dollars belonging to their constituent, the endorser.
  9. Would an endorser who had waived demand and notice be liable for six years more?
  10. Yes, if the payment was made before the statute had completely run in favor of the endorser.