ear-splitting / ˈɪərˌsplɪt ɪŋ /


ear-splitting 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. ear-piercing: an earsplitting explosion.

ear-splitting 近义词


等同于 loud


等同于 noisy


等同于 blatant


等同于 roaring


等同于 deafening


  1. Again, the difference can seem subtle and sound more like splitting hairs, but the difference is important.
  2. “Jeffrey wanted me to tell you that you looked so pretty,” the female voice said into my disbelieving ear.
  3. Fumbleroooohski…'” (39) “'Look at me, ungh, splitting my own seam, oohh… going deep.
  4. In an act of corporal punishment that we at the Daily Beast do not condone, Joseph grabbed Him by the ear and “pulled hard.”
  5. And in his view, they may be good at policy but have “a deaf ear when it comes to politics.”
  6. When we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan's ear alone.
  7. What the ear hears is the fundamental pitch only; the overtones harmonize with the primary or fundamental tone, and enrich it.
  8. The worst loss is that of Winston's ear; high principles won't obtain high explosives.
  9. He looked up, half shutting his one funny eye, and cocking one ear up, and letting the other droop down.
  10. Motionless she stood, straining eye and ear; she could hear nothing, but the gestures told much.