dominated / ˈdɒm əˌneɪt /


dominated2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

dom·i·nat·ed, dom·i·nat·ing.

  1. to rule over; govern; control.
  2. to tower above; overlook; overshadow: A tall pine dominated the landscape.
  3. to predominate, permeate, or characterize.
v. 无主动词 verb

dom·i·nat·ed, dom·i·nat·ing.

  1. to rule; exercise control; predominate.
  2. to occupy a commanding or elevated position.

dominated 近义词

v. 动词 verb

govern, rule

v. 动词 verb

tower above


  1. Unlike the other two parts of Trust Exercise, this section is a dual point-of-view, with the narrator moving back and forth between the minds of both Sarah and David, although Sarah’s perspective dominates.
  2. However, as TSM and Bjerg dominated North American play it became less important to him as success at Worlds proved elusive.
  3. Airbnb has similarly dominated the suburbs, where there is much less competition from hotels and where demand for family-friendly accommodation is greater.
  4. Getting the terms they need may simply be a question of looking past the most omnipresent vendors dominating the market.
  5. The bet is that consumers want to shop in a centralized marketplace, a space currently dominated by Amazon—and that sizable businesses can spring from the e-commerce giant.
  6. Submission is set in a France seven years from now that is dominated by a Muslim president intent on imposing Islamic law.
  7. They excite people, and primaries tend to be dominated by voters who are the most excited.
  8. A few minor notes, born of reflection: Traditionally, the best columns are dominated by politics—its most popular topic.
  9. Nestled in the hills are small market towns like Buleda, dominated by Baluch who make a living smuggling diesel and drugs.
  10. Of course, the output of this cinematic tradition has been mostly male-dominated.
  11. She was in a dream of oily odours and monstrous iron constructions, dominated by the grand foreman: and Edwin was in the dream.
  12. It was of course obvious that France, the traditional ally of Sweden, dominated Europe.
  13. By sheer force of character Lannes thus dominated the situation and saved the lives of himself and his escort.
  14. His brain—the part where human reasoning holds normal sway—was dominated by the purely primitive instinct of flight.
  15. Le Bouton was dominated by a perpendicular rock two thousand feet high.