disaffiliation / ˌdɪs əˈfɪl iˌeɪt /


disaffiliation2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

dis·af·fil·i·at·ed, dis·af·fil·i·at·ing.

  1. to sever affiliation with; disassociate: He disaffiliated himself from the political group he had once led.
v. 无主动词 verb

dis·af·fil·i·at·ed, dis·af·fil·i·at·ing.

  1. to sever an affiliation.

disaffiliation 近义词


等同于 secession


  1. The Alabama Proud Boys, the Oklahoma Proud Boys, the Missouri Proud Boys and the Las Vegas Proud Boys have since disaffiliated and denounced the national group.