despondence / dɪˈspɒn dən si /


despondence 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. state of being despondent; depression of spirits from loss of courage or hope; dejection.

despondence 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. “Nothing changes for gay men,” sighs the writer, his voice now tinged with more despondence than any sort of wit.
  2. Mr. Tyrold now sat down, with an air between calmness and despondence, saying, 'And how has this come to pass?'
  3. What a world of all feelings, which forbid despondence, lies hoarded in the hearts of the young!
  4. Those talks did her good, they set the real Humfrey before her, and braced her to strive against weakness and despondence.
  5. From such lonely despondence as she had never known he had lifted her into a new and brighter world.
  6. Yet it was not in Alan Fairford's nature to give way to despondence, even when seconded by pain.