denudation / ˌdɛn yʊˈdeɪ ʃən, ˌdi nʊ-, -nyʊ- /


denudation 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of denuding.
  2. the state of being denuded.
  3. Geology. the exposing or laying bare of rock by erosive processes.

denudation 近义词


等同于 exposure


  1. The denudation of the Andes is so extraordinarily rapid that it would be a singular fact if this river did not yield float gold.
  2. The denudation of that range was allowed to go on for an inordinate time with disastrous results to the plains below.
  3. He also accumulated valuable data concerning the stupendous effects of sub-aerial denudation at great elevations.
  4. In his rear all was secure in spite of the denudation of the garrisons.
  5. There is an enormous difference between mean and maximum denudation and deposition.