dawdling / ˈdɔd l /


dawdling2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

daw·dled, daw·dling.

  1. to waste time; idle; trifle; loiter: Stop dawdling and help me with these packages!
  2. to move slowly, languidly, or dilatorily; saunter.
v. 有主动词 verb

daw·dled, daw·dling.

  1. to waste by or as if by trifling: He dawdled away the whole morning.

dawdling 近义词

v. 动词 verb

delay; waste time


  1. In the past, a school might have dawdled in making a decision about a self-imposed ban or an appeal, but it wasn’t shocking when it eventually accepted a penalty.
  2. Traveling across the isle on foot without dashing is unappealing since large areas of the environment look rather plain, giving scant reason to dawdle.
  3. But the small boy who was unwillingly dawdling through a series of poses for it, to-day refused all bribes to be good.
  4. I knew that the poor girl from Kansas must get up with the sun, too, for her uncle was not the man to brook any dawdling.
  5. "I always make it a point to be punctual," Lamb dawdling in the background, overheard him say.
  6. This is the method of Vacuity or Dawdling formerly mentioned.
  7. An' ye aims ter trust ther life of ther only real man in these mountings ter ther dawdling of sonny?
  8. The men are doing something noble, not dawdling away these glorious days in selling tape and ribbons.