cuz / kʌz /


cuz 的定义

n. 名词 noun


cuz 近义词


等同于 pal


等同于 companion


  1. And two UK Wildcats embracing as they win what was evidently a big game, cuz there are streamers in the background.
  2. Twilight is only popular, cuz, like Taylor Lautner is a hottie!
  3. Maybe ten, cuz I ran into Dan Balz and we talked Nationals for a bit.
  4. In any case, this can't help but be the beginning of a positive development, cuz here's what will happen.
  5. Cuz as long as you're denying it to yourself it's not really real.
  6. Pa's got a few buckshot in him; but he don't mind it 'cuz he don't weigh much, anyway.
  7. We'll live longer fer it, an' thet'll please God sure—cuz I don't think he's hankerin' fer our society—not a bit.
  8. I done gone lost a stick of sugar yistiddy, but I lose all my pence o trade to-day cuz, of bein hauled in heah agin my will.
  9. He caint make me pay nottin cuz he made me walk half th way.
  10. Dont worry about seein so many, cuz you only has to pick out one stone at a time, you know.