chaperon / (ˈʃæpəˌrəʊn) /


chaperon2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an older or married woman who accompanies or supervises a young unmarried woman on social occasions
  2. someone who accompanies and supervises a group, esp of young people, usually when in public places
v. 动词 verb
  1. to act as a chaperon to

chaperon 近义词

n. 名词 noun

person who accompanies for supervision

v. 动词 verb

accompany for supervision


  1. They surround themselves with the atmosphere of the demi-monde and forget that a wrinkle is as fatal as a chaperon.
  2. I've said from the very first, it's downright indecent for a girl to live alone on a farm—no chaperon, not even a woman servant.
  3. She'll soon wilt when she sees we mean business—either go, or take a chaperon, or marry the man, whichever she prefers.
  4. Charles Farnham, Mrs. Courtney, the chaperon; a maid, and several servants had accompanied Nita here.
  5. The students might leave the grounds at any time during the day, but never in the evening without a chaperon.