cuniculus / kyuˈnɪk yə ləs /


cuniculus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural cu·nic·u·li [kyoo-nik-yuh-lahy]. /kyuˈnɪk yəˌlaɪ/.

  1. a small conduit or burrow, as an underground drain or rabbit hole.
  2. a low tunnel, as to a burial chamber.
  3. Pathology. a burrow in the skin caused by the itch mite.

cuniculus 近义词


等同于 rabbit


  1. The remains of both Cuniculus torquatus and of Myodus lemmus have been found in British pleistocene deposits.
  2. Figs. 385 and 386 show the ileo-colic junction, ccum and appendix in Lepus cuniculus, the rabbit.
  3. All antisera were produced in rabbits (laboratory stock of Oryctolagus cuniculus).