cottontail / ˈkɒt nˌteɪl /


cottontail 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any small North American rabbit of the genus Sylvilagus, having a brownish coat and fluffy white tail.

cottontail 近义词


等同于 rabbit


  1. The rodents’ leavings have also helped scientists expand the known range for several species, including the eastern cottontail and Gunnison’s prairie dog.
  2. A cottontail hopped slowly from his hole to a clump of Spanish bayonet; buzzing gnats and bees hummed by.
  3. Then he felt Cottontail's nose push against his cheek and, slowly unbending his stiffened limbs, he rose to his feet.
  4. Down on Connecticut earth, however, the mark was that of the cottontail rabbit.
  5. This includes words such as Cotton-tail and Cottontail; gatehouse and gate-house.
  6. Here I came upon some cottontail rabbits, the first and only ones I ever saw in that part of the country.