coney / ˈkoʊ ni, ˈkʌn i /


coney 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural co·neys.

  1. a serranid fish, Epinephelus fulvus, of tropical American waters.
  2. cony.

coney 近义词


等同于 rabbit


等同于 hare

coney 的近义词 2


  1. As significant as the onion-fried burger is, El Reno has another unique specialty—a distinctive style of Coney Island hot dog.
  2. I should have not Written and Directed HE GOT GAME because I have never lived in CONEY ISLAND.
  3. They often went to Coney Island, where their usual hangout was Bay 4.
  4. And basketball may be followed avidly from Madison Square Garden to playgrounds on Coney Island.
  5. According to the song “Coney Island Baby,” he had to play football for the coach.
  6. In a way of speaking, this mendicant of Coney Island was perhaps of this class.
  7. We ought to have made absolutely sure that we had stepped it right that day we got through Coney Island Creek.
  8. To reach Coney Island from Gravesend at this time, it was necessary to ford the creek at low tide.
  9. It makes me weep to think how we fleeced—I mean entertained—those Coney Islanders.
  10. You can just believe a Coney Island audience doesn't fancy being held up or swindled.