crowfoot / ˈkroʊˌfʊt /


crowfoot 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural crow·foots for 1, 2, crow·feet for 3-6.

  1. any plant of the genus Ranunculus, especially one with divided leaves suggestive of a crow's foot; buttercup.
  2. any of various other plants with leaves or other parts suggestive of a bird's foot, as certain species of the genus Geranium.
  3. caltrop.
  4. Nautical. an arrangement of several bridlelike ropes rove through a suspended euphroe to support the backbone of an awning at a number of points.
  5. Movies, Television. a three-legged device placed under a tripod to keep the camera from slipping.
  6. a V-shaped mark the apex of which is a reference point.

crowfoot 近义词


等同于 wrinkle


等同于 furrow


  1. Crowfoot himself is apparently all right so far, but of course no man can tell what Crowfoot is thinking.
  2. Old Crowfoot, I am convinced, is playing a deep game and is simply waiting the fitting moment to strike.
  3. Superintendent Strong has the distinction of being the only man that ever tamed old Crowfoot.
  4. It took the Superintendent about two minutes to locate Crowfoot's tent, and, leaving us outside, he walked straight in.
  5. So with a couple of us mounted and another driving a buckboard we made for Chief Crowfoot's encampment.