plica / ˈplaɪ kə /


plica 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pli·cae [plahy-see, -kee]. /ˈplaɪ si, -ki/.

  1. Zoology, Anatomy. a fold or folding.
  2. Also called pli·ca po·lon·i·ca [puh-lon-i-kuh]. /pəˈlɒn ɪ kə/. Pathology. a matted, filthy condition of the hair, caused by disease, vermin, etc.
  3. a vertical mark attached to a neume, standing for an interpolated melodic ornament.

plica 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. In six minutes, the plica semilunaris so drawn as to cover half the cornea.
  2. Erat autem vir simplex, sine omni plica dolositatis aut falsitatis, ut omnibus constat.
  3. It had to be recorded how many of his distinguished ancestors had suffered from Plica polonica.
  4. It might be stricken with dry-rot, elephantiasis and plica polonica for ought I care.
  5. Plica polonica, which is endemic in Russia, is almost cosmopolitan.