collectivity / ˌkɒl ɛkˈtɪv ɪ ti /


collectivity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural col·lec·tiv·i·ties.

  1. collective character.
  2. a collective whole.
  3. the people collectively.

collectivity 近义词


等同于 whole


等同于 totality

collectivity 的近义词 4
collectivity 的反义词 3

等同于 entirety


  1. That the collectivity shall benefit from the services of the servant, the nurse, the teacher—this is a modern ideal.
  2. The perfection of the collectivity cannot be that material and brutal solidarity which comes from mechanical organisation alone.
  3. According to Kropotkin, in future there will exist solely property of the collectivity in all things indiscriminately.
  4. The art of Mr. Arnold Bennett gets its 247bigness, its collectivity, in part—from extension over time.
  5. They lacked those qualities of collectivity which characterized Rome and England.