buskins / ˈbʌs kɪn /


buskins 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a thick-soled, laced boot or half boot.
  2. Also called cothurnus. the high, thick-soled shoe worn by ancient Greek and Roman tragedians.
  3. buskins, stockings decorated with gold thread worn by a bishop at a Pontifical Mass.
  4. tragic drama; tragedy.Compare sock.
  5. the art of acting, especially tragic acting.
  6. a woman's low-cut shoe with elastic gores at the sides of the instep, popular in the early 20th century.

buskins 近义词


等同于 combat boot

buskins 的近义词 4

等同于 leggings

buskins 的近义词 7


  1. We are pleased to find a small man without the buskin, and obvious sentiments stated without affectation.
  2. At this point o'erpower'd I fail, Unequal to my theme, as never bard Of buskin or of sock hath fail'd before.
  3. Better to wear mask and buskin than to mar by any modernity of expression the calm majesty of Melpomene.
  4. Tyrian maidens are wont ever to wear the quiver, to tie the purple buskin high above their ankle.
  5. Such an undertaking by no means befits the low-heeled buskin of modern fiction.