jackboot / ˈdʒækˌbut /


jackboot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a sturdy leather boot reaching up over the knee, worn especially by soldiers.
  2. Also called jackboot tactics. brutally bullying, militaristic, or authoritarian measures.
  3. a person who uses such measures.

jackboot 近义词


等同于 combat boot

jackboot 的近义词 4

等同于 iron hand


  1. If you can force your jackboot in the door, you can try to go all the way.
  2. No American who has 42 choices is going to feel like the jackboot of the state is stomping on his neck.
  3. Successful generals are bad masters, and the jackboot was now supreme at court.
  4. "The Duke might as well send his jackboot to lead us," said Pitt to Fox.
  5. Your supporters are hospitalized by jackboot thugs for sticking up for you.