brotherly / ˈbrʌð ər li /


brotherly2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, like, or befitting a brother; affectionate and loyal; fraternal: brotherly love.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. as a brother; fraternally.

brotherly 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. It oscillates between matter-of-fact narration and shots of the men’s playful, brotherly dynamic, like when Antin spills a liter of coffee in Chambers’s front seat and pretends it’s water.
  2. But brotherly love among enemy combatants was not something that the high command encouraged.
  3. Bill Cosby was born July 12, 1937, in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love.
  4. In a morning filled with brotherly love and jocularity over how everyone was getting along so well, no one wanted to offend.
  5. The City of Brotherly Love is closer to earning its moniker.
  6. One might question whether the bakers are acting in true and brotherly solidarity.
  7. For if there is one God, there is one brotherhood, and all humanity can only be linked to that God by brotherly love.
  8. I made thy fortune along with my own in the days when we shared all things in brotherly community.
  9. We spent the night in equally brotherly fashion, our beds being spread out for us side by side on the floor of the room.
  10. Then I learned to know that which I felt was not a mere brotherly affection, but a deep love.
  11. There were messages of brotherly interest and solicitude just as in the old days.