uncompanionable / kəmˈpæn yə nə bəl /


uncompanionable 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. possessing the qualities of a good companion; pleasant to be with; congenial.

uncompanionable 近义词


等同于 reserved


等同于 solitary


等同于 standoffish


等同于 withdrawn


等同于 chill


等同于 self-controlled


等同于 self-restrained


等同于 distant


  1. The silences are starting to feel less companionable and more awkward, and I’m worried this is going to start straining our relationship.
  2. Hudson’s companionable presence, and some of his delightful prose, enrich this book.
  3. Can be seen as either slightly sinister or companionable, as in “Me and my shadow.”
  4. I'll take a dip myself, just to be companionable, and tomorrow morning we can get back to any size you like.
  5. I have forgotten a companionable cat who each morning takes her seat on the long leather settee beside me and shares my crescents.
  6. During the first days and nights of his mother's illness, they had talked, or sat in companionable silence, by the hour.
  7. The whole had a combination of companionable good humor, and instant aggression when necessary.
  8. During my absence it had pushed up higher and had spread its branches wider, but it was still the same companionable tree.