broody / ˈbru di /


broody 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

brood·i·er, brood·i·est.

  1. moody; gloomy.
  2. inclined to sit on eggs: a broody hen.

broody 近义词


等同于 tenebrific


等同于 dejected


等同于 gloomy


  1. When she finally got broody she was given seventeen eggs and allowed to settle down to the task of incubating Christmas dinners.
  2. A broody blackbird 'chinked' anxiously, and a pigeon wheeled aside with a 'swoof.'
  3. The chickens may be saved either by removing them to other broody hens or by putting them in a flannel wrapping in a warm place.
  4. Because the broody hen makes a clucking noise, she is sometimes called a clucking hen.
  5. There is no way of forcing or inducing hens to become broody before they would do so of their own accord.