heavyhearted / ˈhɛv iˈhɑr tɪd /


heavyhearted 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. sorrowful; melancholy; dejected.

heavyhearted 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


heavyhearted 的近义词 7
heavyhearted 的反义词 2


  1. The clichés about football-obsessed husbands and frustrated wives are pretty heavy-handed.
  2. “There is a heavy security presence but nothing has changed,” agrees Father Javier.
  3. The running machines are a gloomy chorus of heavy-footed stomping.
  4. “JSwipe is currently under heavy load,” flashed across the screen, one night as a friend and I looked at it.
  5. Up till then I was just a dog-assed heavy, one of the posse.
  6. The policemen looked dull and heavy, as if never again would any one be criminal, and as if they had come to know it.
  7. Drone: the largest tube of a bag-pipe, giving forth a dull heavy tone.
  8. Hunter-Weston despite his heavy losses will be advancing to-morrow which should divert pressure from you.
  9. Heavy firing continued all that afternoon, inflicting great loss on the rebels, whilst the Spaniards lost one soldier.
  10. The keen resentment had faded from his face, but an immense reproach was there—a heavy, helpless, appealing reproach.