bod / bɒd /


bod 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. body: You've got to have a great bod to look good in that bathing suit.
  2. Chiefly British. person: We need a few more bods to help with the extra work.

bod 近义词


等同于 body


等同于 figure


  1. The horseman, aka Abraham, is actually passably cute, with a rocking bod and apparently steady source of income.
  2. When asked if his wife, actress Anna Faris, is digging the new bod, he chuckles.
  3. Pott′le-bod′ied, having a body shaped like a pottle; Pott′le-deep, to the bottom of the tankard.
  4. Soft′-bod′ied, having a soft body; Soft′-con′scienced, having a sensitive conscience.
  5. Unembodied, un-em-bod′id, adj. disembodied, incorporate: not collected into a body.
  6. We've no kind o' meight i' this house bod three-ha'poth o' peas; an' we've no firin'.
  7. My husband does bod get varra little upo th' hand-loom i' th' best o' times—5s.