blusher / ˈblʌʃ ər /


blusher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who blushes.
  2. blush.
  3. an edible mushroom, Amanita rubescens, that turns from yellow to red when touched: blushers are edible when cooked, but in the wild are easily confused with certain poisonous species of similar appearance.

blusher 近义词


等同于 red


  1. And ye're the best blusher of the two, my dear; and no shame to ye, though it is a garl's business.
  2. The sink was powdered with blusher and marked with lipstick and mascara residue.
  3. Hay speaks of it as being eaten in England, where it is called the "Blusher."