cerise / səˈris, -ˈriz /


cerise 的定义

  1. moderate to deep red.

cerise 近义词


等同于 cherry


等同于 red


  1. That fat old Hemerlingue found it restful, puffing in his stage-box on the ground floor as in a trough of cerise satin.
  2. The gown was cerise in color, and from her forearm hung a great fan of green plumes.
  3. He smokes a pipe a yard long, and sits all day, with his swathed feet crossed Buddha fashion, on a brilliant cerise-pink blanket.
  4. We passed oaks all green and yellow, and maple trees, wonderfully colored red and cerise.
  5. Yes, James, soon you will once again see me in my silk hat, cerise fancy vest and brown boots (among other garments).