bluestocking / ˈbluˌstɒk ɪŋ /


bluestocking 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability or interest.
  2. a member of a mid-18th-century London literary circle: Lady Montagu was a celebrated bluestocking.

bluestocking 近义词


等同于 blue-blooded


等同于 cultured


等同于 pedant


等同于 egghead


等同于 highbrow


  1. I am not going to caricature a bluestocking, but to point out one or two real dangers.
  2. A bluestocking and a sansculotte (not a very usual combination), she was also a woman of the very latest cry in frocks.
  3. The Bluestocking paused and looked round the circle of interested faces.
  4. Why, monsieur, she was a very superior woman—a regular bluestocking!
  5. The don and the bluestocking have to live, so have the cowboy and the cook.