blackish / blæk /


blackish6 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

black·er, black·est.

  1. being a color that lacks hue and brightness and absorbs light without reflecting any of the rays composing it: They labeled the boxes with a black permanent marker.
  2. characterized by absence of light; enveloped in darkness: a black night.
  3. soiled or stained with dirt: That shirt was black within an hour.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the color at one extreme end of the scale of grays, opposite to white, absorbing all light incident upon it.Compare white.
  2. black clothing, especially as a sign of mourning: He wore black at the funeral.
  3. Chess, Checkers. the dark-colored men or pieces or squares.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make black; put black on; blacken.
  2. British. to boycott or ban.
  3. to polish with blacking.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become black; take on a black color; blacken.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. served without milk or cream.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. black out, to lose consciousness: He blacked out at the sight of erase, obliterate, or suppress: News reports were blacked forget everything relating to a particular event, person, etc.: When it came to his war experiences he blacked out extinguish all of the stage make or become inoperable: to black out the radio broadcasts from the obscure by concealing all light in defense against air raids.Radio and impose a broadcast blackout withdraw or cancel for a designated period: The special airfare discount will be blacked out by the airlines over the holiday weekend.

blackish 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

of darkest color

blackish 的近义词 4


  • black and blue
  • black and white
  • black as night
  • black book
  • black eye
  • black hole
  • black list
  • black look
  • black mark
  • black out
  • black sheep
  • dirty (black) look
  • in the red (black)
  • look black
  • paint black
  • pot calling the kettle black


  1. The ginger removal of his boots revealed red and swollen lumps that had been encased in ice and snow for the unknown hours he’d blacked out.
  2. The content of the email, which was reviewed by The Post, was blacked out from the public records request.
  3. “I just had to rewatch it, actually, because I think I blacked out on what actually happened,” she admitted.
  4. The upper ones have their costa blackish, and a triangular border at their extremity rather dentated on the inside.
  5. He had fallen back into the chair, a blackish gout of blood running from the hole in his temple.
  6. His skin is blackish, of the same colour, but thicker and harder than that of the elephant; nor does he feel the sting of flies.
  7. They are transparent to translucent, with a vitreous lustre, and are of an emerald-green to blackish-green colour.
  8. The head is of a blackish colour, and the back and belly of a reddish grey.