beseem / bɪˈsim /


beseem2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to be fit for or worthy of; become: conduct that beseems a gentleman.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to be suitable or fitting.

beseem 近义词


等同于 suit


等同于 behoove


等同于 befit


  1. Sif has a gallant at home; thou wilt anxious be to find him: thou shalt that arduous work perform; it will beseem thee better.
  2. To think and speak of that day with horror doth well beseem the impenitent sinner, but ill the believing saint.
  3. Fair knight, said that knight, it would beseem a knight to joust and to fight on horseback.
  4. As it would not beseem me as composer to express an opinion of my own work, we will here alone speak of its performance.
  5. All this I know; but we have fared so ill in this house that mirth and laughter ill beseem us.