bartender / ˈbɑrˌtɛn dər /


bartender 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar.

bartender 近义词

n. 名词 noun

one who serves drinks at a bar

bartender 的近义词 2


  1. More seasoned home bartenders may be interested in replicating their favorite classics, like an old fashioned or Aperol Spritz.
  2. From mountain guides to house cleaners to bartenders, much of the employment in Jackson cannot easily be transitioned to remote work, meaning that Jackson’s working class are among the most susceptible to unemployment from the pandemic.
  3. Venmo will also be available to tip the bartender and further help the community through the crisis.
  4. “If you’re a brick-and-mortar bar, and people come because they like the popcorn and bartender, there’s no amount of automation that can keep that bar in business,” says Smith.
  5. Burnice Cain, president of the PTA at Houston Elementary in Ward 7, is out of work as a bartender and is able to help her 7-year old daughter with distance learning.
  6. I quickly appoint myself bartender and make the man a drink.
  7. Bartender and writer Craig Bridger recalls his first visit to Speyside.
  8. I was a bartender in New York City for the better part of ten years.
  9. Patrons come to a place for the atmosphere, to see their favorite bartender, or to socialize.
  10. Matt, a bartender at the San Francisco Rose, echoed that sentiment.
  11. The second one pulled out a cannon and poked it at the bartender and told him to keep his britches on.
  12. Bud called for whisky, and helped himself twice from the bottle which the bartender placed between them.
  13. He handed the bartender a ten-dollar bill and got a kind of wry pleasure out of seeing the picture of Dionysus on its face.
  14. He was on the point of addressing some remarks to the bartender, when the little round orator cut in with an energy quite amazing.
  15. His idea of God is a bartender that keeps setting out the drinks and never strikes you for the price.