Crack open the best 2020 wine books for rich history, international politics and a vintner’s lively memoirFrance was Spurrier’s first wine love, and his palate gravitated toward Italy later in life.
This is not your normal vintner-in-harmony-with-nature story.
Acclaimed vintner Francis Ford Coppola is hardly slapping his name on boxes of Franzia.
Curious to learn more about this weediest of wines, I recently spoke with a California vintner who makes it on the side.
U was an Usurer, a miserable elf; V was a Vintner, who drank all himself.
His companions were two merchants of Lyons, a vintner of Dijon, and a taciturn, soberly clad professor.
This town is full of vintners' places and every vintner has—or rather he did have—a lot of those big empty wine casks on hand.
Once, merely from a malignant whim, he staved all the wine in a vintner's cellar.
Much harm would be done if the charitable vintner had not water ready for the flames.