barbell / ˈbɑrˌbɛl /


barbell 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an apparatus used in weight-lifting, consisting of a bar with replaceable, disk-shaped weights fastened to the ends.

barbell 近义词


等同于 free weight

barbell 的近义词 1


  1. An unweighted squat will still engage all those muscles if it’s done properly, but a sloppy squat under a loaded barbell could leave some of them out—which is inefficient at best, and potentially dangerous at worst.
  2. Another is a traditional back squat, where you hold a barbell up by your shoulders.
  3. A trap bar deadlift is the same motion, except instead of grabbing a barbell you use a contraption that you stand inside.
  4. If you’re planning to wear it while clanging barbells or venturing out into rough terrain for trail runs, however, the jump to the Apple Watch Series 6’s stainless steel case with the sapphire crystal cover is a smart move.
  5. If you picture heavy barbells and strenuous sessions when you think of squats, think again.
  6. Naomi then steadied herself in a wide leg stance in front of the barbell, propped at chest-height on a metal stand.
  7. And the voice near his ear said: "A hundred yards to go, Barbell."
  8. A while later, the voice in his ear said: "A hundred yards to go, Barbell."