bacilli [ (buh-sil-eye) ]


bacilli 的定义

  1. sing. bacillus

bacilli 近义词


等同于 bug


等同于 microbe


等同于 bacteria

bacilli 的近义词 4

等同于 virus


  1. That in the bacilli we have … the actual infective cause of tuberculosis.
  2. Beginners must be warned against mistaking the edges of cells, or particles which have retained the red stain, for bacilli.
  3. There are a number of bacilli, called acid-fast bacilli, which stain in the same way as the tubercle bacillus.
  4. The sputum of more advanced cases resembles that of chronic bronchitis, with the addition of tubercle bacilli and elastic fibers.
  5. Caseous particles containing immense numbers of the bacilli are common.
  6. These globular masses usually contain many tubercle bacilli.