assailing / əˈseɪl /


assailing 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to attack vigorously or violently; assault.
  2. to attack with arguments, criticism, ridicule, abuse, etc.: to assail one's opponent with slander.
  3. to undertake with the purpose of mastering: He assailed his studies with new determination.
  4. to impinge upon; make an impact on; beset: His mind was assailed by conflicting arguments. The light assailed their eyes.

assailing 近义词

v. 动词 verb

attack, usually with words


  1. Giuliani assailed mail-in voting, calling it “outrageous” and “very suspicious,” even though Pennsylvania’s mail-in balloting was approved by a Republican state legislative majority in 2019.
  2. The party’s official 2020 platform shrunk to a brief resolution that assailed the news media and heaped praise on the president.
  3. But the critics assailing her ‘sick and twisted tale’ have clearly never been artists.
  4. Assailing her at every turn has been her rapacious political rival, Tony Abbott.
  5. He spends his time assailing big government as akin to Big Brother depriving people of their rights—a theme that plays well here.
  6. She felt the temptation assail her, as of late it had been assailing her faintly, to explore this territory.
  7. But Richard would cross himself and mutter prayers, calling on every saint to fight against the assailing devils.
  8. But those who expected the Blackfeet to flee in panic when they observed the doubling of the assailing forces, were much mistaken.
  9. All the while the Indians were lying in wait and assailing all who ventured beyond the fortifications of the camp.
  10. He shrank from assailing the Hofcavalier until he should have won the others, knowing well the obstinacy of her resolution.