zie / zi /


zie 的定义

pron. 代词 pronoun
  1. : My friend didn't want to go to the party, but ze ended up having a great time!

zie 近义词

pron. 代词 pronoun

nominative singular pronoun

zie 的近义词 10


  1. Much-loved artist/humorist/speaker Ze Frank offered the keynote at Yahoo!
  2. Ze under lip rather retires, and this adds to the receding effect of the chin, you see.
  3. There's one called ze, on top of a hill shaped almost like a horn; she showed me a picture of it.
  4. His surprise was still greater when the latter took the yoke-lines and gave the order to "Pull you to ze ship!"
  5. You tink I haf not imparted ze instruction to ze midsheepmens before, eh?
  6. One should give only from ze happiness of ze heart, Madeline.