xylophone / ˈzaɪ ləˌfoʊn /


xylophone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a musical instrument consisting of a graduated series of wooden bars, usually sounded by striking with small wooden hammers.

xylophone 近义词

n. 名词 noun

percussion instrument consisting of a series of graduated wooden bars played with small mallets

n. 名词 noun


xylophone 的近义词 3


  1. By year three, she writes, her students are practicing self-control using a xylophone and trying to be attentive to musical cues.
  2. As a cursor pans from left to right across the image of the galactic center, showing a 400-light-year expanse, Chandra X-ray observations, played on the xylophone, trace filaments of superhot gas.
  3. I later learned to play the xylophone, the violin and the saxophone.
  4. After much thought and reflection, I have decided to pursue my first loves--modern dance and the xylophone.
  5. My ribs are like a xylophone, and the knobs of my spine stick up like ponderous cairns in the landscape of my back.
  6. It thrashed its bony arms impatiently and its ribs rattled like a xylophone.
  7. So they began to cuss, amiable, and throw down dollars on the bar till it sounded like a selection on the xylophone.
  8. The neighbouring forest was soon echoing the strident notes of xylophone, banjo, ocarina and trombone.
  9. A very good idea of the psaltery and dulcimer may be obtained from the xylophone.
  10. Saint-Saëns has even utilized the barbarous xylophone, whose proper place is the variety hall, in his "Danse Macabre."