carillon / ˈkær əˌlɒn, -lən or, especially British, kəˈrɪl yən /


carillon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a set of stationary bells hung in a tower and sounded by manual or pedal action, or by machinery.
  2. a set of horizontal metal plates, struck by hammers, used in the modern orchestra.

carillon 近义词

n. 名词 noun

set of bells


  1. This is Bruges sleeping peacefully in old age, lulled to rest by the sound of its own carillon.
  2. The carillon rung from the Belfry, guns were fired, and a ceremony in honour of the event took place in the Htel de Ville.
  3. There we took coach, as the locks at Carillon are not yet large enough for full-sized steamers to pass.
  4. Where of old, confused and lonely, le carillon noir of pain sounded, now all the strings of the heart vibrate and sing.
  5. They had letters of introduction to a gentleman near Carillon on the Ottawa, and others to a family at Toronto.