tocsin / ˈtɒk sɪn /


tocsin 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a signal, especially of alarm, sounded on a bell or bells.
  2. a bell used to sound an alarm.

tocsin 近义词

n. 名词 noun


tocsin 的近义词 7


  1. Come on, stand up, brother, father, toll the tocsin [alarm bell]!
  2. Yet, so curiously constituted is the native mind, the blowing-up of the magazine was the final tocsin of revolt.
  3. The thunder was the tocsin of the storm, but those who came to rob and kill moved unheralded in swift silence.
  4. Yon deep bell tolls no matin—'tis the tocsin's hurried blare!
  5. Each morning at dawn the tocsin sounded from Ste. Gudule, and the people rushed to the barricades.
  6. The announcement of supper, the tocsin of liberty to a majority of the company, interrupted their lively dialogue.