wishy-washy / ˈwɪʃ iˌwɒʃ i, -ˌwɔ ʃi /


wishy-washy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. lacking in decisiveness; without strength or character; irresolute.
  2. washy or watery, as a liquid; thin and weak.

wishy-washy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

bland, dull


  1. But his Republican party in Washington considers this conservative too wishy-washy to be prime GOP material.
  2. That these terms happen, however, to be such wishy-washy ones—"cute, interesting, zany"—seems depressing.
  3. Were his wishy-washy answers in the debate merely an attempt to fool the center into voting for an Islamist candidate?
  4. The offspring of feisty politicos are often kinder, gentler, wishy-washier versions of dear old dad.
  5. "The idea seemed really wishy-washy at first, but as I got more religious it began to make sense," he says.
  6. A man with a feeble, wishy-washy expression holds by each hand a fierce, but subjugated tiger.
  7. Utterly opposed to any such wishy-washy settlement of our national difficulties, I vote "no."
  8. The contrast when the good man got into the pulpit and began to pray in a borrowed, washy lingo—extempore in more senses than one!
  9. His color is about his worst point, as he is a light, washy chestnut, with a bald face and three white heels.
  10. In No. 298, The Watering-place, the rather heavy paint of the foliage gives a thin washy look to the foreground.