namby-pamby / ˈnæm biˈpæm bi /


namby-pamby2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. without firm methods or policy; weak or indecisive: namby-pamby handling of juvenile offenders.
  2. lacking in character, directness, or moral or emotional strength: namby-pamby writing.
  3. weakly sentimental, pretentious, or affected; insipid.
n. 名词 noun

plural nam·by-pam·bies for 4.

  1. a namby-pamby person: written by and for namby-pambies.
  2. namby-pamby sentiment: the harmless namby-pamby of a birthday card.
  3. namby-pamby verse or prose.

namby-pamby 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Boring teams, lousy quarterbacks, and namby-pamby rules are making the National Football League unwatchable.
  2. Why did you make us walk in front, namby-pamby so, Papa dear?
  3. At this point, Sam Weller, who had had his eyes fixed hitherto on Mr. Namby's shining beaver, interfered.
  4. Was this the cousin whom she had considered a sort of namby-pamby, goody-goody girl who would be easily controlled?
  5. Neither Boers or natives understand our namby-pamby way of playing at government; they put it down to fear.
  6. Get out o my way, the pair o you, and let me blow out o this namby-pamby, Sunday-school dump!