whipping / ˈʰwɪp ɪŋ, ˈwɪp- /


whipping 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a beating or flogging, especially one administered with a whip or the like in punishment.
  2. a defeat, as in sports.
  3. an arrangement of cord, twine, or the like, whipped or wound about a thing, as to bind parts together or prevent unraveling, as at the end of a rope.

whipping 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. In addition, the department’s use-of-force policy includes a detailed list of prohibited actions, such as neck holds, warning shots, shooting at moving vehicles and pistol whipping.
  2. A basic stand mixer will meet all of your needs as a baking companion, including whipping, mixing, kneading, and creaming.
  3. This affordable and compact pick operates at a powerful 300 watts and at seven speeds from kneading to whipping.
  4. Read on to find out what you need to know before whipping up bug-infused banana bread.
  5. Audience participation is allowed, including a bit of light whipping from time to time.
  6. But then, blessedly, the next scene has them whipping out their dongs and painting with them.
  7. The band manages one encore, “Whipping Post,” but halfway through the number the audience is busily streaming toward the exits.
  8. I want to discuss the whipping sequence, because it destroyed me.
  9. He was almost certain that he saw a black silk cape whipping out from the shoulders of the lone man in the car.
  10. And Isabel dropped her head into her arms and burst into a wild tempest of tears, like a child that has had its first whipping.
  11. Whipping the long, keen blade from its sheath, Marius bore down upon the rash meddler.
  12. Although the whipping-post and stocks used to be common things in English towns, we saw them preserved only at Bottisford.
  13. All around Palermo spread the tents, bright pavilions of silk with broad pennons above, whipping the slow south wind.