spanking / ˈspæŋ kɪŋ /


spanking2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. moving rapidly and smartly.
  2. quick and vigorous: a spanking pace.
  3. blowing briskly: a spanking breeze.
  4. Informal. unusually fine, great, large, etc.; remarkable; distinctive: a spanking monogram in gold embroidery.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. Informal. extremely, strikingly, or remarkably; very: three little girls in spanking new dresses.

spanking 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


spanking 的近义词 7
spanking 的反义词 2


  1. In another video, Jane testified, she was forced to falsely say that her father had molested her while she was still crying from a severe spanking—or “chastisement” as Kelly allegedly called such punishments—for violating one of the singer’s rules.
  2. Now, mission-making has nearly gone the way of venerable school traditions like smoking areas and spankings.
  3. In fact, American dads outperformed their Canadian counterparts on only one of the survey measures – the use of spanking and other harsh disciplinary tactics.
  4. In this collection of essays, start with section one, “Spanking and Other Sexual Detours.”
  5. Hes told us about how he sailed in the Spanking Sal and lost his leg fighting pirates.
  6. "Spanking is too expensive nowadays," pertly added the girl, who wore her hair like a pianist.