ware / wɛər /


ware 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Usually wares . articles of merchandise or manufacture; goods: a peddler selling his wares.any intangible items, as services or products of artistic or intellectual creativity, that are salable: an actor advertising his wares.
  2. a specified kind or class of merchandise or of manufactured article: silverware;glassware.See also -ware.
  3. pottery, or a particular kind of pottery: delft ware.
  4. Archaeology. a group of ceramic types classified according to paste and texture, surface modification, as burnish or glaze, and decorative motifs rather than shape and color.

ware 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Sellers model their wares on Instagram and TikTok in hopes of building large followings, and Depop does what it can to encourage this practice.
  2. Cattle drives originated after the Civil War, when cattle-rich Texans figured they could hawk their wares to East Coasters desperate for beef.
  3. Even countries like Japan, where the population is already shrinking, still benefit from a growing global labor force from which to draw workers and a growing global marketplace in which to sell their wares.
  4. Smiley sold his wares privately and was only discovered when a quick-thinking librarian found an X-Acto blade on the floor of the Beinecke, Yale University’s rare book and manuscript library.
  5. We’ll also have an Extra Crunch Live Pitch-Off, where folks in the audience can come on “stage” and pitch their wares.
  6. They were also wrong when they thought Ware had pulled out a gun.
  7. Ware went to court claiming a number of irregularities, including issues with hundreds of absentee ballots.
  8. If the Broncos do manage to land Ware, their defense could be scary.
  9. Ware, a tenacious pass-rusher, is a 7-time Pro Bowler and the Cowboys all-time leader in sacks, with 117 in nine seasons.
  10. Reports say that the defending AFC champion Denver Broncos are the favorites to sign Ware.
  11. No man opens his ware with greater seriousness, or challenges your judgment more in the operation.
  12. He left about a hundred of us here to make believe we 'uns ware goin' to attack Paris, so to give him time to git away.
  13. Even the scribe has seen this, and has altered were to ware, to give a rime to the eye.
  14. The parlour, having once been a ware-room, was unusually large and well adapted for a tea-party.
  15. They never knew how long they had sat there on the stairs when Dr. Ware opened the bedroom door and beckoned them in.